Debt consolidation loan targeted towards bad credit borrowers launched in the UK

Released on = February 5, 2007, 12:49 am

Press Release Author = Amanda Thompson

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Debt consolidation loan is well known for its effects on
debts. But people with bad credit, who had experienced CCJ, IVA or bankruptcy in the
past, were altogether untouched by the debt consolidation loan.

Press Release Body = Debt surely are a big threat to the financial freedom of
individuals in the UK. Statistics lay bare the grave debt situation that UK citizens
are finding themselves in. In November, 2006, the average household debt in the UK
was £8,765 (excluding mortgages) and £52,811 if mortgages were included. One
agency's smaller efforts to offer relief to UK citizens deserve a mention. Chance
for Loans is working hard to offer relief to the bad credit borrowers with a
specially designed debt consolidation loan.

Debt consolidation loan is well known for its effects on debts. But people with bad
credit, who had experienced CCJ, IVA or bankruptcy in the past, were altogether
untouched by the debt consolidation loan. This meant that the bad credit borrowers
were further going down in their debt situation. Now with bad credit debt
consolidation loan through Chance for Loans, there is a ray of hope; hope to end the
unending cycle of debts, hope to end the annoying telephone calls from creditors.

Percy Simmonds of Chance for Loans says, "With one third of the nation finding
itself in the bad books of credit rating agencies, it is altogether unwise to keep
off loans such as debt consolidation loans from the bad credit borrowers. Chance for
Loans brings together a panel of lending agencies who think like us. And together we
intend to make shopping for bad credit debt consolidation loan an all new
experience. With more competitive rates, flexible repayment schedules, and a broader
outlook, bad credit borrowers are now finding themselves in more healthier

Chance for Loans is an online arranger of a wide variety of loans. Debt
consolidation loans for the bad credit and good credit borrowers, personal loans for
numerous financial needs like buying car, education, etc., bridging loan, self
employed loans and many more are available here. To know more about these loans and
order one for yourself, visit

Web Site =

Contact Details = East Grinstead,
West Sussex,
RH19 1HH
Telephone: 01342 375 900

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